What is Agile and why agile is must for the software engineers?


Agile itself is nothing but a word. But in the IT world Agile is the most discussed issues. Actually agile is a method of developing software solutions such as website, web application, mobile application that focus on delivering high quality work while minimizing the projects overhead costs and increasing clients' business values.

The term 'Agile' is derived from the 'Agile Manifesto'. Agile Manifesto was written in 2001, when 17 software developers got together at the Lodge at Snowbird Ski resort to discuss about the better ways of developing software projects. At that meeting, they came to an agreement on Agile Manifesto which describes 4 important values. It says, "We value:

        1) Individuals and interactions over process and tools.

        2) Working software over comprehensive documentations.

        3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

        4) Responding to change over following a plan.

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Why Agile needed?

The lack of proper practice leads to uncertainty, repeated error, and wasted time. Here clients are disappointed by slipping schedules, growing budgets and poor quality where as developers are disheartened for working longer hours to produce ever –poorer software.

There are many ways of agile. These are: a) SCRUM, b) Crystal, c) BDD, d) TDD, e) FDD, f) ADP, g) XP and many more.

SCRUM:  SCRUM is the most widely used and a lightweight process for agile development. It is used to manage complex software and product using iterative and incremental process. SCRUM enables organizations for rapid changing and produce products for meeting business goals. Agile SCRUM process benefits in many ways. Such as: it

a) Increase the quality of the product

b) Cope up properly with the changes

c) Helps for better estimation

d) Provide a perfect control of the project schedule and state.

CrystalThe Crystal methodology is one of the most lightweight, adaptable approaches for software development, developed by Alistair Cokburn one of the signatory of the agile manifesto. Actually, it is comprised of a set of agile methodologies such as Crystal Clear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Orange and many more.

Crystal method focuses on six primary aspects. These are: People interaction, Community communication, Skill and talents. This method is very flexible and always avoid rigid as it is human powered or people centered. In Crystal method, there are also some common prospects like frequent delivery, reflection live improvement, osmotic communication and easy access to empower human.

The comparison between Agile method and Waterfall method is shown in the following picture:

The difference between Agile method and Waterfall method is:

Agile Methodology
Waterfall Methodology
     Working Software Delivery    
      Multiple release
      One final release
     Contract Negotiation   
     Project Documentation
      Practical to meet requirements
      Elaborate and lengthy
     Project Vision
      Vision is established prior
      to start
      Vision is established prior
      to start
     Communication with customer  
      Close & interpersonal
      Distant and formal in comparison to agile
      Flexible and open to change
      Rigid once documented
     Change control procedure
      Change is documented but is always welcome
      Elaborate & Inflexible

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Here are the key principles of the agile manifesto:

1)      Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of the valuable software.

2)      We have to welcome changing requirements even if very late in development.

3)      Deliver working software frequently and always emphasis on the shorter timescale rather than longer.

4)      Must involve business people and work together for the whole project.

5)      Build projects around motivated individuals, trust them and provide all kinds of supports.

6)      Give emphasis on face to face conversation as this is the most efficient and effective method.

7)      Here working software is the primary measure of progress.

8)      The clients, developers and users should be able to maintain a regular pace indefinitely as agile promotes sustainable development.

9)      Give continuous attention on technical excellence and on good design.

10)   Simplicity is must as it is the art of the amount of work.

11)   The best efforts is emerging from the self-organizing teams, so be aware of it.

12)   At a regular interval, the team will talk, take decisions and adjust if needed accordingly.

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  1. Scrum is a lightweight framework.
    It's working with backlog and sprint
    1)Backlog - Issue Creation
    2)Sprint - To Do > In a progress > Done


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